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We offer now the Leadership Archetypes Module as a stand-alone seminar. 

By attending this module you will acquire practical  coaching tools to work with clients on empowerment. This module is dedicated both to executive coaching and on teamwork.  This seminar is accredited by ICF as 18 hours CCE.

Dates: September 6-8
Day 1- Exploring Archetypes of Organization and their Dimensions
Day 2- Embodiment of Leadership Archetypes
Day 3 – Practical Application and Coaching with Archetypes

This module relates mostly to corporate and team coaching. Based on Corbett and Pearson’s book Mapping the Organizational Psyche, the module introduces 12 Leadership Archetypes and their corresponding shadows. Guided by an observation form, students identify the dominant archetypes at work in team or group settings and learn how to use the 24 Leadership coaching cards. On the last day, students practice Jungian Coaching with their volunteer coachee to and begin to integrate all of the tools that they have learned thus far in the program.

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