MODULE 6: Alchemy & Persona




In this module, students will explore how the ancient practice of Alchemy can be applied to the change and transformation processes their clients  are seeking today. Since the main challenge of the coaching process centers around an actual, measurable, or even necessary change, our students will learn to use the Jungian Coaching Alchemy cards to offer their coachees powerful action steps that are tailored to promote the growth they are working to achieve.

Students will also learn techniques to evolve their persona and develop their personal branding. After having practiced on themselves, they will learn to identify the client’s existing “Persona” attributes, and to assist them in articulating the personal brand to which they aspire. Then together they will plan action steps to bridge the gap from the client’s existing persona to their new vision for themselves.

Tools introduced: Alchemy Cards, Persona Prism: A Jungian Tool for Personal Branding