Jungian Coaching International Online

Where the Unconscious Transforms into an Internal Coach!

About the Program

The Jungian Coaching International Program is an ICF Level 2 accredited program, offering you all the necessary training to become an executive, career, or leadership coach, or to work outside the corporate sphere and become a parenting or life coach. After you earn your Jungian Coaching School diploma you will be able to apply for the PCC Credential by the ICF, the premier awarding body for professional coaches.


When registering for the program, you can choose between two paths: Level 1 leads to ACC credentials from the ICF. Level 2 leads to PCC credentials from the ICF. After completing the Level 1 program, you can choose to continue your journey by continuing on to the Level 2 program.


Level 1- ACC Path Level 2 – PCC Path Certified Jungian Coach


Live Training 78 hours (Module 1-4) 125 Hours (Module 1-6) 6 Modules of Jungian Coaching
Group Mentoring 7 hours 7 Hours
Individual Mentoring 3 hours 3 hours
Coaching Practice with Volunteer Real Client 4 hours 6 hours
Performance Evaluation


1 Recording
ICF Credentials Associate Certified Coach


Professional Certified Coach (PCC) Certified Jungian Coach



What is Jungian Coaching?

Jungian Coaching, developed by Dr. Avi Goren-Bar uniquely integrates the profound insights of Carl Jung’s psychological theories with practical, deep coaching techniques. This coaching method allows individuals to achieve lasting personal and professional  growth. This approach goes beyond surface-level coaching by tapping into the unconscious mind, utilizing archetypes, symbols, and shadow work to uncover hidden potential and direct that power toward the client’s goals.

The transformative power of Jungian Coaching lies in its ability to tap into hidden layers of the client’s psyche, thereby fostering a profound ability to develop new ways of thinking and being. You and your clients will see gains in self-awareness and creativity, as well as their ability to tackle difficult problems, as they uncover new dimensions of their personality. Jungian Coaching is an holistic and deeply personalized method, perfect for anyone seeking to enhance their overall well-being and success.

The Jungian Coaching Method distills complex Jungian concepts into practical tools for coaching executives, corporate teams, entrepreneurs,  and individuals seeking to up their game. Developed by Dr. Avi Goren-Bar, the Jungian Coaching Kit includes tools for use during coaching sessions. The kit is shipped to each student before the program starts, and students practice using these tools during each module. The tools help coaches quickly guide their coachees to profound and meaningful insights, leading to genuine breakthroughs that enable clients to create roadmaps, make decisions, and accomplish their goals.


Who is it For?

This program is ideal for coaches, business owners, company executives, HR professionals, and anyone who works with people and wants to gain a deep understanding of the human psyche.

Live Online Training Details:

In each module students will explore a variety of powerful Jungian Coaching tools designed to unlock insight that leads to action. On the last day of each module, students have the unique opportunity to put their newly acquired skills into practice by coaching a volunteer client. This hands-on experience is invaluable, as it allows students to apply their knowledge in a practical and safe setting, gain confidence in their coaching abilities, and see firsthand the powerful, transformative impact of their work.


Students will learn the basic vocabulary of Jungian Coaching, such as the unconscious, archetypes, transcendent and compensatory functions and non-rational thinking. Students will be trained to think symbolically and make use of symbols, metaphors, and images in their coaching.

Tools introduced: Ego Functioning Assessment (“The Pizza”), “Getting to Know You” assessment for corporate employees, Ego-Self Dialogue Chart, and 24 Archetypes of the Psyche cards.

In this module, students will review the ICF competencies and learn how to create a coaching contract and manage a coaching session effectively. Significant focus will be placed on understanding and navigating transference and countertransference within the coaching process. These concepts, drawn from Jungian psychology, are essential for maintaining a clear and productive coaching relationship. Students will develop advanced coaching skills and communication modes to coach their clients to make genuine progress.

Students will explore the Doing (masculine) and Being (feminine) energy qualities and their great importance in helping clients to reach higher levels of professional and personal development. Students will learn to identify and effectively integrate these qualities, which will broaden their own capacity for connection, communication, and achievement in all areas of life, and also help their clients to do the same.

Tools introduced: Being-Doing Cards

Students will embark on an adventure based on Joseph Campbell’s conceptualization of the “Hero’s Quest”. This deeply experiential journey is designed to help clients working on a challenge to identify where they are located in their own Hero’s Quest and to gain fortification and courage to slay their personal dragons. By reframing problems and setting up effective interventions and techniques, students  will learn to empower change and growth in their clients.

Tools introduced: Hero Quest board & cards.

This module is tailored to corporate and team coaching while also being very relevant for family or individual coaching. Based on Corbett and Pearson’s book Mapping the Organizational Psyche, this module introduces the twelve leadership archetypes and their corresponding shadows. Guided by an observation form, students will identify the dominant archetypes at work in team or group settings and learn how to use the 24 leadership coaching cards to help both an organization and the individual solve problems and seek out opportunities.

Tools introduced: 24 Leadership Archetypes

In this module, students will explore how the ancient practice of Alchemy can be applied to the change and transformation processes their clients  are seeking today. Since the main challenge of the coaching process centers around an actual, measurable, or even necessary change, our students will learn to use the Jungian Coaching Alchemy cards to offer their coachees powerful action steps that are tailored to promote the growth they are working to achieve.

Students will also learn techniques to evolve their persona and develop their personal branding. After having practiced on themselves, they will learn to identify the client’s existing “Persona” attributes, and to assist them in articulating the personal brand to which they aspire. Then together they will plan action steps to bridge the gap from the client’s existing persona to their new vision for themselves.

Tools introduced: Alchemy Cards, Persona Prism: A Jungian Tool for Personal Branding

Group Mentoring

Group mentoring sessions are designed to provide students with the opportunity to learn from experienced Jungian coaches and their peers in a collaborative environment. In these sessions we will share our diverse perspectives and engage in collective problem-solving, and delve into the tools to further develop essential coaching skills. Group mentoring is crucial as it helps students gain insights into different coaching scenarios, enhance their grasp of ICF core competencies, and understand various coaching techniques that meet ICF standards.

Individual Mentoring

Individual mentoring offers personalized guidance and feedback from an experienced mentor. This one-on-one support helps students refine their coaching techniques, address specific challenges, and build confidence in their abilities. Individual mentoring is vital for the ICF accreditation because it ensures that each student receives tailored feedback and direction to meet the core competencies required by the ICF, thus improving their overall coaching proficiency.

Performance Evaluation

Performance evaluation involves a thorough assessment of a student’s coaching sessions, typically through recorded or live sessions reviewed by qualified evaluators. This evaluation measures the student’s compliance to ICF core competencies, their ability to establish and maintain a coaching agreement, and their effectiveness in facilitating client growth and learning. After performance evaluation students will receive the Jungian Coaching School Level 1 Diploma and they are ready to take the ICF exam to obtain their ACC credentials.

Sign up For Level 1 Program

Sign up For Level 2 Program



Carl Jung established analytical psychology. He advanced the idea of introvert and extrovert personalities and the power of the unconscious.

He is best known for his studies on the human psyche, dream analysis, collective unconscious and archetypes.

The Jungian Coach relates to the coachee (Ego), who brings up a dilemma (conscious level). The aim of the coaching session is to dive into the coachee’s imagination (unconscious) and have a dialogue with the coachee’s symbols (Self-images), which resonates with the dilemma. The Jungian Coaching Method uses two mental techniques, associations (transcendent) and compensatory functions, as the client eventually arrives at significant insights which increase his/her awareness in the here and now. All the coachees’ dilemmas are practiced through the Jungian Coaching Cards, which represent the archetypes of Persona, Shadow, Anima and Animus, Hero, and Leadership styles.

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